Insulated Dog House With Folding Roof Bituminous Shingle and Hallway Size 4 AtviPets

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1989,00 RON
Warranty24 months InsulationYes (insulated) Recommended breedGerman dog, Rottweiler, German Shepherd, Cane Corso, Mioritic Shepherd, Setters, Collie, Golden Retriever, Dalmatian, Husky, Dobermann, Labrador, Shar Pei Optional Dog House ProductsGrilaj Usa Intrare, Terasa Acoperita, Profil Metalic Baza Cusca, Terasa, Incalzire Electrica Gestionata Din Telefon, Profil Metalic Intrare, Placuta Nume, Perdea PVC, Bol Mancare
Insulated solid dog house with two rooms with anti-chew metallic profiles, with 4 cm insulated floor and walls, made of lacquered paneling, with a folding roof made of bituminous shingle, possessing all the qualities of use in all four seasons of the year.
Confirmed Quality

Products tested over time and constantly improved during our 14 years of activity. 

Our dog houses' quality is confirmed by more than 4000 clients. 

We back our products with a 24-months warranty. You cannot go wrong with them!

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Insulated solid dog house with two rooms with anti-chew metallic profiles, with 4 cm insulated floor and walls, made of lacquered paneling, with a folding roof made of bituminous shingle, possessing all the qualities of use in all four seasons of the year.

Among the main features of this dog house you can find:
  • Solid construction of good quality wooden casing, durable joints doubled with glue and screws;
  • Anti-chew metal painted profiles perimeter and at the roof
  • Insulation of dog house with 20 mm polystyrene of the floor and walls (sandwich panel composed of 12 mm wood panel + 20 mm polystyrene + 6 mm osb)
  • Uncentered entry in the cage that gives the animal better wind protection which can be optionally coated with anti-chew metallic profiles
  • Interior partition wall that creates two areas inside the cage. This wall is gliding so it can be easily removed. This wall futher protects from wind the dog in the back room
  • Folding roof covered with bituminous shingles, which further increases its resistance to difficult outdoor conditions and facilitates access to the cage for cleaning
  • The resistance against the natural elements and implicitly a longer life of the dog house by treating waterproofing it with a lacquer based on the water that does not harm the animal
  • 5 cm high entrance does not allow the internal mattress/bed to be taken out of the cage easily by the dog
  • Very solid 5 cm legs that protect the dog and the house from the soil moisture


General Characteristics

  • Dogs
  • Metallic Profiles
  • Wood
  • Bituminous Shingles
24 months

Caracteristicile Produsului

Product Category:
Dog House Model D Hallway
Yes (insulated)
Recommended breed
  • Cane Corso
  • Collie
  • Dalmatian
  • Dobermann
  • German dog
  • German Shepherd
  • Golden Retriever
  • Husky
  • Labrador
  • Mioritic Shepherd
  • Rottweiler
  • Setters
  • Shar Pei
Folding roof:
Yes (Foldable)
Roof Material:
Bituminous Shingles
Optional Dog House Products:
  • Bol Mancare
  • Grilaj Usa Intrare
  • Incalzire Electrica Gestionata Din Telefon
  • Perdea PVC
  • Placuta Nume
  • Profil Metalic Baza Cusca
  • Profil Metalic Intrare
  • Terasa
  • Terasa Acoperita
Suited For:
  • Dog House Extra Large With Hallway

Dimensions and Weight

Interior Length:
158 cm
Interior Width:
85 cm
High Interior Height :
73 cm
Low Interior Height:
65 cm
Exterior Length:
178 cm
Exterior Width:
108 cm
Door Entrance Height:
52 cm
Exterior Height:
84 cm
Door Entrance Width:
38 cm
96 KG

Production and Transport

How it is delivered:
  • Assembled
Production time
3-4 working days + transport

Product Identification

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Dimensiuni / Dimensions (Dimensions-DSI4-HOL.pdf, 121 Kb) [Download]



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Moisei Mihai
Calitate superioară! Cățeii noștri sunt super încântați de noua achiziție! Apelați cu încredere la produsele oferite de!
De ce cred ca am facut o alegere potrivita facand aceasta comanda? M-am documentat luni de zile, m-am consultat cu medici veterinari.. Concluzia a fost ca pentru a avea o casuta eficienta dpdv termic, pe langa o izolatie potrivita, va fi nevoie de o intrare intermediara, urmata de o alta dispusa lateral. Aceasta dispunere are rolul de a proteja partea incalzita impotriva vantului. Apoi a urmat sistemul de incalzire.. exista doar 2 variante de casute incalzite auxiliar, momentan cel putin, anume aceasta si inca o varianta de incalzire prin infrarosu. In urma discutiilor cu cativa medici veterinari de incredere mi s-a explicat ca lumina infrarosie nu e tocmai sanatoasa pentru blanosii nostri. Deci una dintre variante a picat instant. Pana in momentul acela stiam urmatoarele: am nevoie de o casuta care sa dispuna de o intrare intermediara si de un sistem de incalzire prin pardoseala. Am ajuns la aceasta pagina cautand sistemul. Va ofera si varianta de a-l monta pe o casuta existenta, insa va garantez ca nu se compara calitatea, iar pretul acestor casute este justificat pana la ultimul banut. Este foarte buna si versiunea standard, insa compania va da posibilitatea personalizarii acesteia in functie de nevoile fiecaruia. Eu am ales sa comand sistemul impreuna cu o casuta noua, personalizata, desi detineam deja una in stare buna, deoarece majoritatea casutelor, desi izolate, la nivelul podelei si acoperisului nu dispun de izolatie conforma, fapt care impacteaza negativ eficienta termica a acesteia. Comunicarea a decurs la superlativ absolut, s-a efectuat orice modificare am solicitat, iar suportul de care beneficiaza clientii lor continua chiar si dupa finalizarea comenzii/transportului. Recomand cu incredere, chiar am fost placut surprinsa de profesionalismul de care au dat dovada si sunt convinsa ca aceasta casuta va rezista zeci de ani de acum incolo. Am facut toate aceste mentiuni intr-o maniera detaliata deoarece sunt ferm convinsa ca exista printre noi foarte multi oameni care nu dispun de foarte mult timp liber petrecut acasa, insa sunt bine intentionati si vor sa ofere animalului lor de companie atat libertate cat si confort pe durata sezonului rece, iar aceasta este solutia optima.
Produs de calitate superioară. Labradorul meu este foarte entuziasmat de căsuța lui. Recomand cu încredere.
Este un produs super bun! Cusca este foarte calitativă, bine izolata, încăpătoare, foarte bine lucrată. Labradorul meu este foarte entuziasmat de căsuța lui. A intrat din prima secundă in ea si o foloseste cu placere. Recomand tuturor cu mult drag pentru confortul câinilor de talie medie și mare.
Multumim mult !

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