Medium Sized Dog House, Thermally Insulated, Anti Chew Metal Profiles, Folding Roof, AtviPets DSI2

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909,00 RON
Dog BreedCocker, Pekingese, English Bulldog, Sealiham Terrier, Bichon, Pitbull, Jack Russell, Border Terrier, Fox Terrier, Teckel, Poodle Toy, Westie, Boston Terrier, Beagle, French Bulldog Optional Dog House ProductsMetalic Profile For Dog House Base, Electric Heating Managed By Phone, PVC Entrance Curtain, Metalic Profile For Dog House Entrance, Terrace With Roof, Dog Feeder , Terrace, Lattice Door, Personalised Plate Name
Confirmed Quality

Products tested over time and constantly improved during our 14 years of activity. 

Our dog houses' quality is confirmed by more than 4000 clients. 

We back our products with a 24-months warranty. You cannot go wrong with them!

Dog House Shipment

The dog houses are shipped anywhere in Romania by parcel courier. They are delivered directly assembled and can be used as soon as they arrive. For deliveries in Europe, you can opt for kit delivery via parcel courier or fully assembled with a cargo transport company. 

Payment Options
  • — Cash On Delivery
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  • — Bank Transfer
  • — Cash (Pick-Up)
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Thermally insulated, resistant dog house, with anti-chew metal profiles, with 4 cm insulated floor and walls, made of lacquered paneling, with a folding bituminous shingle roof, which has all the qualities of use all around the year

Among the main features of the dog house you can find:
  • Solid kennel construction made of good quality AB paneling, strong joints doubled with D4 outdoor wood glue and screws, resistance proven in over 15 years of production and confirmed by thousands of individual customers and shelters
  • Anti-chew metal profiles on the perimeter and roof, being impossible to be chewed by dogs, drastically increase the life of the cage and its resistance over time. Optionally we can mount anti-chew metal profiles in other parts of the cage such as the entrance and base of the cage.
  • Insulation of the dog house with 20 mm polystyrene of the floor and all walls (sandwich panel composed of 12 mm wood paneling + 20 mm polystyrene + 6mm osb)
  • A non-centered entrance to the kennel that offers the animal better protection against the wind that can optionally be covered with anti-gnawing metal profiles
  • Folding dog house roof covered with bituminous shingles, which further increases its resistance to harsh outdoor conditions and facilitates access to the cage
  • Resistance against natural elements and implicitly a longer life of the dog house by treating the paneling with water-based varnish that does not harm the animal, the painting is done in two hands with the AirMix technology pump that offers a transfer of the material on wood at least twice as much as conventional compressed air guns.
  • The raised entrance by 5 cm does not allow the bed (mattress, mat, hay, etc.) to be easily taken out of the cage by the dog
  • Very solid 5 cm feet that protect the dog and cage from soil moisture


In addition, for the dog house, we offer:
  • The diverse range of options that can be mounted on the cage, the complete list being listed below in the area of specific characteristics
  • Customization services, such as painting the cage in certain colors to better match the area where it will be placed or manufacturing dog cages in other sizes



General Characteristics

  • Dogs
  • Metallic Profiles
  • Wood
  • Bituminous Shingles
24 months

Caracteristicile Produsului

Product Category:
Dog House Model D
Yes (insulated)
Dog Breed
  • Beagle
  • Bichon
  • Border Terrier
  • Boston Terrier
  • Cocker
  • English Bulldog
  • Fox Terrier
  • French Bulldog
  • Jack Russell
  • Pekingese
  • Pitbull
  • Poodle Toy
  • Sealiham Terrier
  • Teckel
  • Westie
Folding roof:
Yes (Foldable)
Roof Material:
Bituminous Shingles
Optional Dog House Products:
  • Dog Feeder
  • Electric Heating Managed By Phone
  • Lattice Door
  • Metalic Profile For Dog House Base
  • Metalic Profile For Dog House Entrance
  • Personalised Plate Name
  • PVC Entrance Curtain
  • Terrace
  • Terrace With Roof
Suited For:
  • Dog House Medium

Dimensions and Weight

Interior Length:
65 cm
Interior Width:
45 cm
High Interior Height :
55 cm
Low Interior Height:
47 cm
Exterior Length:
85 cm
Exterior Width:
67 cm
Door Entrance Height:
36 cm
Exterior Height:
67 cm
Door Entrance Width:
27 cm
31 KG

Production and Transport

How it is delivered:
  • Assembled
Production time
5-10 working days + transport

Product Identification

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Dimensiuni / Dimensions (Dimensions-DSI2_or_DCI2.pdf, 119 Kb) [Download]



Dog Houses
How do I choose the right size dog house for my dog?
Do you manufacture bespoke pet houses ?
How are the dog houses delivered ?
Can the roof be folded?
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Where can I see the dog house optional and how can I order them?
What do I do if I want a different color for the dog house ?


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Produsul este conform specificatiilor si are o calitate exceptionala. Acoperisul se livreaza impachetat separat, are balamale si trebuie montat. Producatorul furnizeaza holszsuruburi si o surubelnita ca sa nu existe probleme la montaj.
Recomand cu incredere!
Ana Maria
Calitate exceptionala!
Am cumparat o asemenea cusca in marimea 2 si mai tarziu una in marimea 3. Ambele impecabile si extrem de utile, ba chiar cainelui mare ii este un pic cald in cusca in zilele de iarna blande, atat de bine izolata este.
Am cumparat doar cu acoperis rabatabil pentru ca astfel e mai usor de curatat si personal prefer acest design. In plus, avand intrarea intr-o parte, mi se pare ca inauntru cainele este mai ferit in caz de vant sau ploaie.
Cusca a stat si in soare, si in ploaie si in ninsoare, si arata in continuare ca in prima zi (dupa un an jumatate de utilizare). Am cumparat si margini la intrare, astfel incat cainii nu au putut sa roada si sa strice. Am luat si perdea, insa o pun in zilele friguroase (temperaturi negative), altfel este mult prea cald inauntru si nu stau cainii, chiar si la zero grade se incing.
Recomand tuturor, chiar daca este mai scumpa nici nu se compara cu modelele din magazinele de bricolaj, care pe langa faptul ca nu sunt izolate si nu ofera protectie termica, se strica si foarte repede. Astfel, la final, este mult mai economica investitia intr-o asemenea cusca de calitate.
Am cumpărat Cușcă izolata nr. 2 + alte accesorii. Cușca este solida, lucrata bine, aratoasa și întocmai cu specificațiile producătorului. Mulțumesc, atvi!
Razvan Morariu
Cusca este perfecta, foarte rezistenta, nu puteam fi mai multumit. Recomand cu incredere.
Mihai Tanase
Ne-a intrecut orice asteptari, un produs facut cu suflet care isi merita toti banii. Noi am adaugat atat profile metalice pentru intrare cat si perdea pvc, ambele pe aceeasi marime ca si cusca. Va multumim mult, si vom recomanda!

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