Creating a bespoke pet house

If you are looking for another design or want to adapt one of our series products, we can help you with the custom-made production service.

We will need in the first phase to understand well what you want, you can find here our contact page. Basically, we will find ourselves in one of two situations: adapting an existing model or creating another type of product.


Adapting an existing model (simple modifications)

In this case, it starts from an existing model, manufactured by us, to which certain modifications are desired. Here are some examples:

  • other dimensions of the cage or entrance (height, width, length), especially recommended if you want a cage larger than the largest available option.
  • other accessories and/or features (e.g. step if the pet has problems with the legs; two entrance doors, additional metal profiles, etc.)
  • other finishes (see more information here)

Once we mutually validate the changes we return with a sketch with the new dimensions, a 3D renderer of the new product, the financial implications and the production time.

Based on an agreement on these documents your product is manufactured

Any product manufactured on order incorporates additional costs (discussions, offer calculation, creation of production manual, longer production time compared to serial products) which is why we recommend the following guidelines:

  • We do not recommend requests for cages with smaller dimensions than the largest cage available. It is cheaper to opt for the series version immediately larger than to manufacture something on order. Use this option only if there are constraints with the space where you will place the cage;
  • We do not recommend requests for double cages with an inner surface equal to two identical series cages and partition wall. If the animals will stay in separate rooms we recommend buying two series cages, it will be cheaper. In addition, it is easier to transport and handle two smaller cages than a large double. Use this option if you want the animals to stay together in the same room;


Creating another product design (complex changes)

In this case, you want to produce a different model than what we currently manufacture. We will need to understand information about the design, dimensions, materials and the available budget range.

Once we validate the request we return with a sketch with the new dimensions, the financial implications and the production time.

Based on an agreement on these documents your product is manufactured

Any product manufactured from scratch incorporates significant additional costs compared to adapting an existing model (totally new production manual, raw material with new dimensions, production time equivalent to the prototyping) which is why we do not recommend requests for products identical to something that already exists on the market. If the solution exists on the market in principle it will be cheaper than building a product from scratch if it does not have the potential to become serial.